Brij M. Gandhi
Chief Executive Officer
Neo BioMed Services
Dr. Brij. M. Gandhi is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of Neo BioMed Services (www.neobiomed.com), a company which provides services and consultancy in health related areas. Dr. Gandhi is also Director of a Mumbai based Stem Cell Company, EmProCell Clinical Research Private Limited, involved in medical practice for regenerative medicine. His basic skills and experiences is in areas of Science Management; Research and Development; Policy and Strategic Planning; Management; Market Strategy; Technology Transfer; Sales and Management; Biodefence Strategies; Institutional Development / regulatory issues related to biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, biosafety and biosecurity and healthcare areas including stem cell and regenerative medicine. Dr. Gandhi retired in 2006 as Adviser to the Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, after serving for over 18 years in various capacities managing promotion and policy related issues in biotechnology related to international collaborations, medical biotechnology, infrastructure development, animals and aquaculture biotechnology. Prior to that Dr. Gandhi had been a Research Scientist at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi for about twenty years. Dr. Gandhi continues to serve as Advisor / Director to a number of institutions/pharma and biopharma industries including MNCs and has an experience of over 45 years of active service, as research scientist, science manager, adviser/consultant with over 150 publications. Dr. Gandhi had his Masters in Biochemistry from PAU and Ph.D. in Experimental Medicine from the University of Bergan, Norway. He was trained at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London; National Institutes of Health, Maryland, USA; and University of Bergan, Norway.
Research Interest
Immunology of parasitic, bacterial and viral infections especially amoebic diseases, hepatitis viruses and related liver diseases and diagnostics; food and nutrition; stem cells and regenerative medicine policies; biosafety, biosecurity and related policies.