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Sandeep Singh

Sandeep Singh

Founder President
Indian Scientific Education and Technology Foundation


Dr. Sandeep Singh is a Neurobiologist with a strong background in Biochemistry and Biomedicine. He has dedicated more than 7 years to Neuroscience Research and used animal models system to investigate the therapeutic potential for Alzheimer’s disease using synthetic as well as natural compounds in Drosophila model system. After obtaining his M.Sc. degree in Biotechnology, he completed his Ph.D. from Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University then moved to the Department of Neurobiology, The University of Chicago, IL, USA and worked on the role of microbial immune responses in AD pathogenesis. Currently, he is the Founder President of a non-profit organization in India named Indian Science Education and Technology Foundation (ISET Foundation) and working in the field of Science and Technology Promotion (Neurobiology and Biotechnology Research Promotion). The last 7 years research work come up with a couple of nice publications to his credit in journals of international repute like (International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Neurotoxicity Research, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, BBRC, Neurochemical Research, Neuroscience Letter, Current Drug Metabolism etc.) and 2 book chapter as mentioned in his CV. He is Member of the editorial board of several International neuroscience related journals. Also a member of several scientific societies like INDIAN ACADEMY OF NEUROSCIENCES, ALZHEIMER’S AND RELATED DISORDERS SOCIETY OF INDIA, American Academy of Neurology, International Society of Neurochemistry, Member of American Society of Neurochemistry.

Research Interest

Biochemistry, Neurobiology; specially on Alzheimer’s disease, biochemical and molecular biology